Rising cost of food and plastics

Are we heading towards a global food crisis? Global shortage of foods and other goods are a direct result of the supply chain crisis. As the global market of supply and demand responds, all over the world, the cost of food can change dramatically.

Also due to the corona pandemic, many countries restricted travelling, resulting in a shortage of labour. Regardless of what causes a supply chain crisis, whether this be due to global oil restrictions, political unrest or a pandemic, the question is what can be done to make our world more secure? Without a doubt, one way to increase security globally would be to return to local products, even if that does increase the cost of living.

Take the example of food packaging. Without it, we would have greater food spoilage, less food available on the shelves, and an increase in the cost of food. Hence, plastic food packaging helps to keep the cost of food down. A supply chain crisis deeply impacts countries like Australia, where food additives, ingredients and seasonings that are usually imported become very limited. But also plastic bags and food packaging are harder to come by, with the costs predicted to rise tremendously in 2022.


In addition, China needs the agricultural nitrogen fertilizer urea for its own farmers and has therefore decided that its export will be restricted (or stopped). This can lead to a serious shortage of agricultural food production in many countries. Adblue, an anti-polutant containing urea, is typically added to newer classes of diesel motors in trucks and tractors. It is also necessary to protect the motor. An export restriction is likey to severely impact global agricultural production as well as global transport. Again, local production of urea seems to be the solution here.

So also with food packaging material, locally produced bioplastic (instead of conventional plastic) is the key to maintaining human security and wellbeing as well as the sustainability of our environment.

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